Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’

Prepare Your Heater for Winter With Professional Maintenance

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Ignoring it won’t make it go away: winter is coming. All you can do is get ready for when the cold weather hits. There are a variety of things on your to-do list, depending on your home and your family. But one thing everyone needs to do is make sure they’re ready to turn on the heat. 

How will your heater do when you need to use it? Is it ready, clean, lubricated, and in tip-top condition? Only if you’ve gotten maintenance!

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Sounds Your Heater Should (and Shouldn’t) Make

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Your heater can’t use words to tell you something is wrong, but it can and does exhibit a variety of sounds when problems occur. If you listen and become familiar with the usual sounds your heater makes, it will be easy to pick up on changes and notice new, problematic noises.

What sounds does a happy heater make? What sounds indicate a problem, and can they give hints about what that problem is? How can you tell when it’s time for repairs? We’ve got answers to all those questions.

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“Crash! Bang! Boom!” and Other Noises You Don’t Want Your Heater Making

Monday, April 4th, 2022

While we may not live in a climate that gets as bitterly cold as other parts of the country, our winters do pack a punch, and you know how important it is to have a powerful and efficient heater in your home. You should also be aware of the warning signs of a heater that’s in disrepair.

When your heater is making strange noises, it’s time to call in a professional to look at it. Sometimes, these noises are just indicators that the heater is about to break down, and other times they can signal something more serious, like a gas leak.

This guide will let you know what to listen for to take care of your heater before it becomes a bigger problem.

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Have You Scheduled This Important Heating Service Yet?

Monday, February 28th, 2022

With a climate like ours, and being near the end of “winter,” whatever that word is worth to us, it might seem pretty pointless to schedule heating maintenance if you haven’t done so yet this heating season.

And yet, heating maintenance is the most important heating service you can schedule for your furnace or any other heating system.

Why? Because maintenance is the only way you’ll ensure that your heater works as efficiently and effectively as possible, for last long as possible. Sure, we might not need to use ours around here as much as our friends up north, but when you do need yours, you want it to work well right?

And the good news is, unless your heater has completely broken down to the point that no repair will get it back up and running again, it’s never too late for heating maintenance! Here’s why…

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