Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Installation’

The Big Pre-Summer Question: Is It Time for a New AC Installation?

Monday, April 1st, 2024

It’s that time of year. The weather is getting gorgeous, the flowers are blooming, and before you know it, we’ll be hit with some serious summer heat. If your air conditioner is in reasonable shape and is not too old, you’ll need to have maintenance done so it’s ready for the hard work ahead. But what if your air conditioner is not in good shape, or is getting really old?

At some point, you’ll need to make the decision to replace your air conditioner. How can you tell whether you need to do that yet? Is there a formula to help you figure it out? We’ll give you our recommendations on how to determine whether it’s time for a new AC installation, or whether you should keep your old one a bit longer.

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Should You Invest in a High-Efficiency Air Conditioning System?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

You may have heard about the new efficiency requirements for the air conditioners that are being manufactured today. And if your air conditioner is aging or not working well, or if you’re just concerned about the amount of energy you’re using to cool your home or the amount you’re paying for it, you might want to know more. How are air conditioners being made to be more efficient? How efficient are they? And should you get a high-efficiency AC unit for your home?

We’ve got some facts for you that might help you make that decision.

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AC Replacement: What You Should Know

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Air conditioner problems are common, and when they occur, most homeowners find themselves at crossroads choosing between AC repair or replacement.

If you are in the same situation and don’t know which path to follow, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll discuss the vital things to consider when deciding between AC repairs and replacement. So, keep it here!

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AC Installation: Why Size Matters

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Summer is progressing right along, and we’re dealing with hot temperatures daily. If you’ve lived in this area for even just a year, you know just how uncomfortable it can be when temperatures soar to their highest. This means that if you’re looking for an AC installation right now, you’re likely in a hurry to get a new one, right?

We understand that sense of urgency, but we really encourage our customers to slow down and make their decisions about home comfort carefully. Failing to do so can leave you with an inefficient and ineffective solution for your home cooling.

One component of this is sizing. We’re not talking about the volume of the air conditioner itself, but rather how many “tons” of cooling it can handle (that is, how many tons of ice would be melted by the heat drawn out of your home per hour–which is measured in British Thermal Units–BTUs). An “oversized” system can be just as detrimental to your comfort and home efficiency as an undersized one. Read on to learn more about this.

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Is It Time for You To Install a Ductless AC System?

Monday, May 16th, 2022
Air conditioner blowing cold air

Ductless systems are increasingly in high demand, and there’s a good reason for this! They are incredibly efficient, easily maintained, and provide a versatile comfort experience that is unmatched by any other type of air conditioning or heating system.

Here in Georgia, it’s rare that we have to use our heaters for very long. For the limited time that we do need heating, we don’t necessarily need it to be super powerful. Ductless systems are actually perfect for climates like ours–they excel as powerful air conditioners, though can sometimes struggle as heaters when temperatures get too cold. Since the latter doesn’t happen here, it makes a ductless system a great choice.

Read on to learn more about some of the great benefits these systems present, and to learn if a ductless AC installation is right for you and your home.

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Why You Should Never Rush Into an AC Purchase

Monday, July 29th, 2019

At DC Cheek, we value honesty—even when it’s not popular for other HVAC companies to give customers the power over their decisions. We believe in doing the right thing.

So, when we say you shouldn’t rush into an air conditioning purchase, we really mean it. We understand, it’s nearly the middle of summer and it is hot. If your air conditioner has broken down or stopped cooling your home as effectively as it once did, there is absolutely a sense of urgency.

But rushing into an air conditioning purchase can leave you with an improperly installed system, or one that is not sized correctly or matched to your home.

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