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Tips for Keeping Your Sump Pump Happy


In some homes, the sump pumps are needed often, and run quite regularly. In most homes, they run much more intermittently. They might only be needed during times of heavy rain and flooding. But when they are needed, they’re needed desperately. A working sump pump can prevent tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to your home and ruined belongings. 

The key here is to make absolutely certain that when you do need your sump pump, it will be ready to get right to work. How can you do that? We’ll give you some tips for keeping your sump pump happy. Put these into practice and you’ll know you can count on your sump pump when you need it.

1: Conduct Visual Inspections

When something is only needed on rare occasions, or is located in a basement you rarely enter, it’s easy for it to be out of sight and out of mind. But we recommend taking a little peek from time to time. If you spot any mud or any other sort of debris on the pump or in the sump pit, clean it away. If you see any cracks in the pit or damage to the pump itself, you need sump pump repair in Cumming, GA.

2: Run Functionality Tests

If your sump pump doesn’t run often, it’s a good idea to give an occasional check to make sure it’s still ready to go. Pour a bucketful of water into the sump pit. Does the pump come on and run properly? Excellent! It has passed the test.

3: Commit to Regular Maintenance

Schedule a routine maintenance appointment. Don’t wait for something to go wrong! If you discover that there’s a sump pump problem during a storm, it’s already too late. Your plumber will be able to give you more information specific to your pump and your home and make recommendations that are custom-tailored to your situation.

4: Invest in a Battery Backup

Sump pumps need electrical power to run. But often, the times when they’re needed the most are also the times when you’re most likely to experience a power outage! There’s a solution for this. Reliable battery power, specifically for sump pumps, is common and popular for exactly this reason. Check with your plumber during maintenance about what your best options are.

5: Get Repairs Promptly

If you do notice that anything seems odd or suspicious about your sump pump, don’t cross your fingers and hope for the best. Get repairs before that next storm hits! Aside from visible damage, signs that you need sump pump repair include running when it’s dry, draining more slowly than it used to, not draining at all, or making any kind of unusual noises.

Once you’ve made sure to do these things, you’ll benefit from not just a properly working sump pump, but also the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re ready for whatever weather the world might throw your way.

To speak with a member of our team, contact DC Cheek Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today. Fixed, At the Speed of Life!

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