Plumbing Services That We Offer

October 28th, 2024

When you partner with and expert plumber for your residential needs, you want to make sure you have a technician who can handle all of your plumbing jobs. The good news is, you are in the right place because our team is here to help with a variety of plumbing services in Cumming, GA.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the plumbing services we offer. If you have a problem that you don’t feel like is addressed below, just call and talk to us about your needs. We would be happy to complete an income assessment and come up with a solution for whatever plumbing issue you may be dealing with.

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When to Repair, Replace, or Tune Up a Heating System

October 7th, 2024

A common question we get from homeowners is, “When does my heating system need a tune-up, a repair, or a replacement?” The first part of the question is easy: heating systems need maintenance every year. And unfortunately, a tune-up is not sufficient for a neglected heating system that needs repair. It’s knowing when to invest in a heating repair vs investing in a new system that gets tricky. 

Homeowners can always count on us for a personal and professional opinion on this. However, there are some general guidelines that will clarify this dilemma for homeowners. Let’s dive into the topic of when to repair, when to tune up, and when to opt for a heating replacement in Cumming, GA.

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How a Home Energy Audit Saves Money All Year Long

September 16th, 2024

When homeowners think about ways to make their homes more energy efficient, they often think about their HVAC systems, upgrading windows, and purchasing energy-efficient appliances. However, the key component to achieving the most energy-efficient home is often overlooked: scheduling a home energy audit.

When conducted by a professional team like ours, a home energy audit in Cumming, GA helps homeowners determine exactly where their home is wasting energy. After the audit is complete, we’ll share the results with you and make recommendations on how to maximize your home’s energy efficiency. And right now, savvy homeowners can seal in savings and get $1,000 off Attic Air Sealing and a free Home Performance Evaluation.

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All About Hard Water

September 2nd, 2024

If you’ve ever heard the term “hard water” and not fully understood it, this article is for you. If you’ve encountered plumbing problems and wondered if something about your water could be to blame, we’ve got the information you need. And even if you’ve never worried about hard water, you might find that you’ve been dealing with this issue without realizing it. Let’s dive in!

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Tips for Keeping Your Sump Pump Happy

August 19th, 2024

In some homes, the sump pumps are needed often, and run quite regularly. In most homes, they run much more intermittently. They might only be needed during times of heavy rain and flooding. But when they are needed, they’re needed desperately. A working sump pump can prevent tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to your home and ruined belongings. 

The key here is to make absolutely certain that when you do need your sump pump, it will be ready to get right to work. How can you do that? We’ll give you some tips for keeping your sump pump happy. Put these into practice and you’ll know you can count on your sump pump when you need it.

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Can I Fix My Drain Clog Myself?

August 5th, 2024

When a drain is clogged in your home, it’s inconvenient and unpleasant. Of course you want it dealt with as quickly as possible. But you also want it done right—and thoroughly, so it won’t just happen again next week.

Is this a DIY job or do you require professional sewer or drain cleaning? Here are our guidelines on how to remedy drain clogs and when to call in the experts.

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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

July 22nd, 2024

Time just seems to rush right by these days, doesn’t it? How did it get to be so late in the summer already? You weren’t even prepared for it to start. Perhaps you even forgot to schedule AC maintenance, and now you’re wondering whether you should bother. Maybe you should wait until next year.

No! Don’t do that! Get AC maintenance now. It’s not too late. Here’s why.

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Could Your Pets Be Damaging Your Air Conditioner?

July 8th, 2024

When something strange is going on with your air conditioner, it can be very hard to determine what went wrong without professional help. If you’ve got AC issues, you need a qualified HVAC technician to take a look right away.

What could be wrong with your air conditioner? Well, in some cases, pets have caused damage to an AC unit! How can they do that? We’ll explain.

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How Are Today’s Air Conditioners So Much More Efficient?

June 24th, 2024

If you’ve got an old air conditioner, it’s not as efficient as it once was. For ten years or so, being diligent about routine maintenance every single year will keep bringing an air conditioner’s efficiency back up to what it was when it was new. But as the AC system reaches the end of its life, nothing can counteract all that wear and tear enough to keep it efficient.

Here’s the other thing you should know. Remember when that air conditioner was brand-new? Well, even then, it wasn’t nearly as efficient as the systems that are on the market today! How are air conditioners being made so much more energy-efficient than they were in the past? We’re excited to tell you about some major advances in AC tech.

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Heat Pump vs. AC Repair: What’s the Difference?

June 10th, 2024

Perhaps you got a heat pump to replace your old air conditioner. You know it’s similar to an air conditioner, but obviously it’s not exactly the same. So what do you need to know about the differences between the two? Do heat pumps need maintenance that’s different from what air conditioners need? Do they have different repair needs? We’ve got the information you need below.

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