Qualities to Look for in a Professional Plumber

July 19th, 2021

Most plumbing professionals are good at what they do. The best professionals to hire also have other qualities that highlight them as genuine professionals that you can count on to handle the repairs. If you need to hire a professional plumber in Dunwoody, GA, you want to get the best in the business. A professional who not only knows what they’re doing but provides each customer with a service that is worthy of glowing reviews.

It is important that you know what qualities you should look for to ensure that you get the best possible professional for the job. Hiring the right plumber can make a world of difference in the service that you get. The best in the business will ensure that you do not need to pay more than necessary and get a job well done whenever it comes to plumbing issues.

This post will guide you so that you know about the qualities to look for in a professional plumber before you hire them so that you can make a well-informed decision.

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Is a UV Air Purifier a Good Indoor Air Quality Option for You?

June 28th, 2021

Nobody likes getting ill, and unfortunately, the things that make you sick are usually too small to see or feel. Microscopic pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores can lead to a wide range of health problems, and we’re mostly unaware that we’re breathing them in.

Many people think that staying indoors can help them avoid sickness. Unfortunately, these contaminants can be indoors and just as dangerous as the ones outside. Maintaining good indoor air quality is critical to ensure that you and your family are safe.

You might be considering using an air-cleaning device like an ultraviolet (UV) air purifier. These devices are considered to be effective in removing these pathogens from the air and making the indoor air safer for you to breathe. If you are on the fence about getting one for yourself, we can help you make up your mind.

In this post, we will discuss how these UV-based air purifiers in Duluth, GA, work to help you make a more well-informed decision about investing in one for your home.

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“There Is Ice on My Air Conditioner, What’s Wrong?”

June 1st, 2021

First off, we want to compliment you on realizing that something is wrong when you see ice developing anywhere on your air conditioner. Too many homeowners think that ice is part of the cooling process. After all, ice and refrigeration go together, right?

This may seem logical, but in actuality, ice has no part in the air conditioning process. Your air conditioner works by pulling heat out of your home and expelling it outdoors, then putting the air it brings in through a refrigerant process that uses gas and liquid to chill that air.

So that said, what’s going on when you see ice on your air conditioner? Read on to find out!

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Do You Have a Plumbing Leak?

May 17th, 2021

As unfortunate as this might be, plumbing problems are notoriously difficult to detect without the right professional equipment or experience. Most of your plumbing system is hidden from view, after all, and the issues that can afflict it like to start off small and subtle. For this reason, we recommend that you have preventive plumbing maintenance done at least once a year. However, it’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the warning signs that something is amiss with your plumbing system.

And in the rare case that a problem does happen between maintenance sessions, you’ll be able to detect it quickly and call our professional plumbers for repair. Read on to learn what the signs of a plumbing leak are, then give us a call to fix them!

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Have You Scheduled Your AC Tune-Up Yet?

May 3rd, 2021

It makes sense that you might hesitate when you hear an HVAC professional recommend a service for your air conditioner that you don’t necessarily need right at this moment. And maintenance is one of those perceived services. What if your air conditioner is working just fine? Is it really worth paying for an extra service?

Well first off, your air conditioner should perform much better than “just fine.” Secondly, you wouldn’t think of skipping maintenance for your car, right? You wouldn’t be able to rely on it very much after all. You’d probably be too nervous to drive it much. We don’t want you to be nervous about using your air conditioner! Especially when summer hits and you need that system on a daily basis.

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Is AC Refrigerant Loss a Big Deal?

April 26th, 2021

You likely already know that refrigerant is a very important component of your central air conditioner. In fact, it’s the component actually responsible for providing cooling to your home.

If you don’t know much more about it than that, it’s okay—that’s what we are here for! We’re here to ensure that you have expert AC services for whatever you need, whenever you need it.

What we’d like to do today is share some information about refrigerant because understanding refrigerant leaks can help you understand why calling our team for AC repairs right away is vital. Fixing refrigerant leaks is an easy job for our team, but the consequences of letting leaks go without repairs can be pretty bad.

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Should You Repair or Replace a Broken AC Compressor?

April 5th, 2021

Throughout the lifespan of your air conditioner, there are a variety of issues that can befall it. Most of these issues are a result of good ol’ fashioned wear and tear, and some other issues are caused by a lack of maintenance, manufacturer defect, or some other type of system damage. But considering that you want your air conditioner to work reliably as possible through our warm springs and stifling summers, it makes sense that you want to take care of these needs as effectively as possible.

One potential repair need that’s particularly unpleasant to face is a broken AC compressor. With most cooling system parts, replacement of that part is typically the best choice. But if you have a broken down compressor, the questions turns into whether you should replace just the component, or the entire cooling system. This is because the compressor is actually the most expensive component in your air conditioner. Read on to learn more!

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These Are the Signs to Watch Out for If Your AC Is Struggling

March 29th, 2021

When it comes to summertime in the Woodstock area, there’s probably no more important appliance in your home than your central air conditioner. Central cooling is essential to your household’s comfort and quality of life.

Central cooling is also one of those things that should only ever be serviced and installed by a professional. While there are small tasks homeowners can and should do on their own—like changing the air filter to the system to keep it running efficiently—when your air conditioner needs service it’s time to give the pros a call.

It is worth mentioning that the best way to prevent sudden AC repair needs is with routine maintenance. Professional maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly and comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust components that need it. But even with maintenance, it’s still important to be vigilant and pay attention to the following signs that your cooling system may be in need of professional repairs.

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The Importance of Professional Drain Cleaning

March 8th, 2021

When you have a drain clog in your home, what’s the easiest way to deal with it? If you’re like most people, your answer might be, “with store-bought liquid drain cleaner that I keep under the sink.”

This is a “quick fix” and we understand the temptation to use it. Buuuut, we have to urge against it. There are a lot of problems with these store-bought “solutions,” which we’re going to get into below. The fact of the matter is, if you have a drain clog then the best thing you can do is call in the professionals for a fix. It won’t be as “quick” but it will be effective. Read on to learn why this is the better option.

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What Type of AC Installation is Best?

February 22nd, 2021

It’s deceptively cold throughout the country right now, however, the fact of the matter is, we’re going to have to start thinking about warmer weather—and if our homes are ready for that warmer weather—very soon. This means that if your air conditioning system was on its last leg last summer, now is the time to consider a replacement.

But there are so many options to choose from when it comes to AC installation! Most homeowners are used to seeing what’s known as the central air conditioner—the AC system that has a single outdoor unit and an indoor unit connected to a series of ducts. Have you heard of the heat pump though? This is very similar in function and setup to the standard central air conditioner, with one important difference. It works as a heater, too! Read on to learn more.

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