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Tips for Keeping an Even Home Temperature


Did you discover this past summer that you had a hot spot or two in your home, particularly upstairs? Or maybe now that nighttime temperatures are cooling down, you’re noticing cool spots in the morning. There are a couple of different possible explanations for this. One could be that you have damaged ductwork which is allowing conditioned air to escape before reaching the rooms where it’s needed. Another explanation is that you don’t have proper insulation!

To determine the true cause of uneven cooling and heating, it’s important to start with a professional home energy audit, which allows our professionals to assess your home’s specific energy loss opportunities. Reach on to learn more about this and other tips to improve your home’s comfort and efficiency!

Schedule a Home Energy Audit

When you schedule a home energy audit with our team, our professionals provide a comprehensive assessment of your home to investigate where air loss is coming from, and how you might conserve energy better.

Oftentimes what we’ll find in this assessment is that one or both of the HVAC systems aren’t working as efficiently as possible, be it due to damaged ductwork or some other type of wear and tear–or even old age. We may also find that you don’t have sufficient insulation in your home, you have drafty windows and doors, your home is too humid, or not humid enough, etc.

These are all factors that contribute to how efficiently your HVAC systems keep your living space comfortable, and that comfortability includes whether or not it is providing widespread cooling and heating.

Replace Degrading or Insufficient Insulation

Homeowners often realize why insulation is important for their heating efforts. Insulation helps keep heat in the home, and therefore your heater works efficiently when you have the right insulation in place.

This belief may lead homeowners to delay their insulation needs since our winters are relatively brief, anyway.

But insulation isn’t just there to keep heat in your home. It’s there to prevent heat transfer altogether. So this means that insulation keeps heat out too! Insulation is just as important to your summertime comfort as it is your wintertime comfort.

So if it’s a hot day and you’re using your air conditioner, but notice there’s a room or two–or even your entire upstairs area–that doesn’t seem to be cooling down, your insulation could definitely be to blame.

Have Damaged Ductwork Repaired

First off, no matter where it’s occurring, damaged ductwork can lead homeowners to lose about 30% of their conditioned air, because it’s escaping into unoccupied spaces like the attic, crawlspace, or behind drywall–wherever you have ductwork installed.

Ductwork can accumulate damage from natural wear and tear over the years, especially if it’s installed in the attic, where it gets very hot in the summer. Pinhole leaks and small tears can form, leading to inefficient heating and cooling throughout your home.

In some cases, professional duct sealing can do the trick to get your home back to efficient, even cooling and heating throughout. In other cases, it may take a little more–duct repair or even replacement. But the first step is to give us a call for that audit, and then we can go from there!

When you need quality insulation in Cumming, GA, look no further than DC Cheek Heating, Cooling & Plumbing. Contact us today for your home performance needs, and get them “Fixed, At the Speed of Life!”

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