Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Time just seems to rush right by these days, doesn’t it? How did it get to be so late in the summer already? You weren’t even prepared for it to start. Perhaps you even forgot to schedule AC maintenance, and now you’re wondering whether you should bother. Maybe you should wait until next year.

No! Don’t do that! Get AC maintenance now. It’s not too late. Here’s why.

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Could Your Pets Be Damaging Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

When something strange is going on with your air conditioner, it can be very hard to determine what went wrong without professional help. If you’ve got AC issues, you need a qualified HVAC technician to take a look right away.

What could be wrong with your air conditioner? Well, in some cases, pets have caused damage to an AC unit! How can they do that? We’ll explain.

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How Are Today’s Air Conditioners So Much More Efficient?

Monday, June 24th, 2024

If you’ve got an old air conditioner, it’s not as efficient as it once was. For ten years or so, being diligent about routine maintenance every single year will keep bringing an air conditioner’s efficiency back up to what it was when it was new. But as the AC system reaches the end of its life, nothing can counteract all that wear and tear enough to keep it efficient.

Here’s the other thing you should know. Remember when that air conditioner was brand-new? Well, even then, it wasn’t nearly as efficient as the systems that are on the market today! How are air conditioners being made so much more energy-efficient than they were in the past? We’re excited to tell you about some major advances in AC tech.

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Signs Your Ductless AC System Needs Repair

Monday, May 27th, 2024

When something goes wrong with a complex system, whether it’s your air conditioner, your heating system, or your car, getting it repaired promptly can make a big difference. After all, if you keep driving with a tire that’s getting flatter and flatter, you’ll eventually damage the rim and perhaps more. So when your ductless AC system needs repair, it’s important to notice right away.

However, you might not know what to look for when it comes to an air conditioner at all, let alone a ductless one. We’d like to help you out with that. We’ll tell you the signs to be alert for, so that if you do have a problem with your ductless AC system that requires repair, you’ll know right away.

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How Long Does AC Installation Take?

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Spring is the perfect time of year to schedule the installation of your new AC system. It’ll be in place and up and running right when you need it, and you’ll be able to enjoy the remarkable effectiveness and efficiency of a brand-new air conditioner all summer long. 

If it’s been quite a while since you’ve had an air conditioner installed, or if perhaps you’re a new homeowner and haven’t been through this before, it might be helpful for you to have more information. We can tell you all about the process of AC installation and how long you should expect it to take, and give you some helpful tips.

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Is Your AC Ready for Summer? Professional Maintenance Will Do the Job!

Monday, April 15th, 2024

How gorgeous is springtime in Georgia? It’s pretty spectacular. But don’t get so caught up in enjoying the season that you forget how soon the summer heat is coming! You don’t want to get hit with high temperatures when you’re not ready. How do you prepare for another long, hot Georgia summer? With professional air conditioner maintenance, of course! Here’s what you need to know.

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The Big Pre-Summer Question: Is It Time for a New AC Installation?

Monday, April 1st, 2024

It’s that time of year. The weather is getting gorgeous, the flowers are blooming, and before you know it, we’ll be hit with some serious summer heat. If your air conditioner is in reasonable shape and is not too old, you’ll need to have maintenance done so it’s ready for the hard work ahead. But what if your air conditioner is not in good shape, or is getting really old?

At some point, you’ll need to make the decision to replace your air conditioner. How can you tell whether you need to do that yet? Is there a formula to help you figure it out? We’ll give you our recommendations on how to determine whether it’s time for a new AC installation, or whether you should keep your old one a bit longer.

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Why Your AC Is Leaking Water and What to Do About It

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Any sort of leaking water in your home should always be taken seriously. Repairing water damage can be costly, and mold remediation is, too—and mold is always delighted to grow in places that stay damp. You might be prepared for pipes to leak and ready to call a plumber at the first sign of dripping water. But not all water leaks are actually plumbing issues. What if water is leaking from your air conditioner? Where is the water coming from? What’s wrong with your AC, and how can you fix it? We’ve got the answers.

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Troubleshooting Steps When Your AC Isn’t Working

Monday, July 10th, 2023

If your air conditioner is having a problem, don’t ignore it and hope that it resolves itself! But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to get professional help yet. Before deciding you need AC repairs, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take that might help you avoid the inconvenience and expense. You may just find that your broken AC in Duluth, GA can be up and running again in moments with one of these easy fixes.

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Should You Invest in a High-Efficiency Air Conditioning System?

Monday, June 12th, 2023

You may have heard about the new efficiency requirements for the air conditioners that are being manufactured today. And if your air conditioner is aging or not working well, or if you’re just concerned about the amount of energy you’re using to cool your home or the amount you’re paying for it, you might want to know more. How are air conditioners being made to be more efficient? How efficient are they? And should you get a high-efficiency AC unit for your home?

We’ve got some facts for you that might help you make that decision.

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