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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?


Time just seems to rush right by these days, doesn’t it? How did it get to be so late in the summer already? You weren’t even prepared for it to start. Perhaps you even forgot to schedule AC maintenance, and now you’re wondering whether you should bother. Maybe you should wait until next year.

No! Don’t do that! Get AC maintenance now. It’s not too late. Here’s why.


Every hour that your air conditioner is running, you’re paying for the electricity. And it will be running many, many more hours before this summer comes to an end. If each of those hours is spent using more than the necessary amount of electricity, you’ll be paying a lot more than you should have to. AC maintenance improves the efficiency of your system, and it’s worth doing now.


With average temperatures in the upper eighties for several more weeks, you deserve to have an air conditioner that does its job effectively. An AC unit that hasn’t had maintenance might be struggling with small issues, blanketed with dust, lacking lubrication, or drawing the wrong amount of power for its motor. It’s working too hard and getting less done, and your home won’t be as evenly cool.

Repair Needs

Maintenance means eliminating dust and grime, reapplying lubricant, tightening loose parts that have started to wobble from a year’s worth of vibration, and catching any little concerns before they get worse. Doing all these things will drastically reduce the risk that your air conditioner will need repairs. You certainly don’t want to be waiting for a technician during a heat wave with a broken-down AC, so get that maintenance done!

System Longevity

Air conditioners, if they’re well-maintained, can last quite a while. And they’re not cheap, so you want to get as many summers out of them as possible! With annual maintenance, that could be ten or twelve summers. With only occasional maintenance, it will be fewer summers. With no maintenance at all, you could find yourself with a dead air conditioner after just five or six years.

Why does maintenance keep the air conditioner alive longer? Well, the part that really can’t be replaced is the compressor. This component is what distinguishes an air conditioner from just an expensive fan. It keeps the refrigerant flowing, so it can draw heat out of your home. And when there’s excess friction, overheating, starting and stopping, and general wear and tear, it puts a lot of strain on the compressor, shortening its life.

Warranty Compliance

Finally, if your air conditioner is still under warranty, you can keep it that way by making sure you get professional maintenance done every single year. Skipping a year could void your warranty, which might end up costing you money down the line. So get your air conditioning maintenance in Johns Creek, GA right away!

To speak with a member of our team, contact Cheeky Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today. Fixed, At the Speed of Life!

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